Modeling and simulation of biological networks using automatic transformation to Petri nets (HFPN / xHPN)
VANESA is an open-source software project which aims to support scientist in the workflow of systems biology application cases. It provides a graphical user interface (GUI) and the general modeling approach is based on graphs. For Modeling, either biological networks or Petri nets can be chosen. Beside start the process of modeling from scratch, a biological network can be retrieved from a data warehouse via a web service. For the simulation of a biological network, it can be automatically transformed into a Petri net by a customizable set of transformation rules.
A Petri nets, either modeled directly or generated by the transformation, can be simulated can be simulated with the help of an OpenModelica installation. Simulation results are made available for further investigation during the process of simulation. They can be visualized, compared, and exported for further analyses.
Both, biological networks and Petri nets, can be analyzed by graph algorithms. Models are saved as SBML files, simulation results can be exported as CSV files, and graph pictures and charts can be saved as SVG, PNG, and PDF files.
The latest stable release is v.0.4 which requires a Java SE 11 (or newer) installation. It is compatible with OpenModelica 1.17.0.
The latest pre-release is v.0.5_pre. It is compatible with OpenModelica 1.23.1.
VANESA requires a Java SE 11 (or newer) installation to execute the provided jare file. The simulation of Petri nets is based on OpenModelica and its Petri net library PNlib, and thus, an OpenModelica installation is required if the Petri net simulation is desired. A compatible OpenModelica version is given in the release notes, but in general the latest compatible stable release should be used instead of nightly builds.
The installation path must not contain any whitespaces!. The installation process will also set some environment variables which are needed for VANESA to detect the OpenModelica installation. A compatible version of PNlib is automatically downloaded and installed once the first simulation is executed.
If you use VANESA as part of your scientific work, please cite the following article:
C. Brinkrolf, C., S. J. Janowski, B. Kormeier, M. Lewinski, K. Hippe, D. Borck, R. Hofestädt VANESA - A Software Application for the Visualization and Analysis of Networks in Systems Biology Applications. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 11(2):239, 2014. DOI: 10.2390/biecoll-jib-2014-239
VANESA is an academic software project of the Bioinformatics / Medical Informatics Department of Faculty of Technology at Bielefeld University in Germany. Its success is the result of the contribution of various people: members of the Bioinformatics / Medical Informatics Department, their supervised students, and further collaborators.
Its development started as a student’s project, called network editor, before it was renamed to VANESA. In the following, a short project history with the key dates is given.
In 2009, VANESA was registered at SourceForge where the source code (as a CVS repository which is now deleted) and releases are managed.
In 2010, the first version, v.0.1, was released.
In 2012, the source code at SourceForge is managed as an SVN repository.
In 2013, C. Brinkrolf took over the lead development from S. J. Janowski and shifted the focus towards transformation and Petri net simulation. This change of focus is also reflected by a new SVN repository, called VANESA2. The last release of the old VANESA / VANESA 1 SVN repository is v.0.1.9 and requires Java 8. All following releases are based on the VANESA2 repository.
In 2021, the development moved from SourceForge to GitHub and the VANESA2 SVN was converted into a GIT repository.
Besides multiple Bachelor and Master theses, two dissertations shaped the direction of VANESA:
VANESA was involved in the following publications: